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Writer's pictureCharlene Black

Want to call me a Slut? Yes, please!

Updated: Apr 16, 2020

Embrace all your feminine flavours.

How do you react when someone calls you a Slut? Or, if you haven’t actually ever been called one – how do you think you would react?

I would venture to guess that – if you are like most women – you would be pretty quick to take offence. Not surprising considering what is usually meant by that word… (I couldn’t resist actually looking it up…) Wikipedia tells us that: Slut is a term for a woman or girl who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous. It is generally used as an insult, sexual slur or offensive term of disparagement.” Does not sound too appealing, does it?

Besides, most of us learn already at an early age that – while certain behaviours are acceptable and some may be worthy of praise – others are JUST NOT DONE, and that we should be ashamed of ourselves for even thinking about displaying such behaviours. And acting like a slut most definitely falls into that last category. So – no – Slut is usually not on the top of our lists of preferred pet names…

Have you ever thought about what’s really going on here?

I mean, don’t you find it just a bit odd that – not only now, but throughout history – so much effort has gone into the rejection, degradation and even ridicule of the Slut and her sisters the Witch, the Porn Star and the traditional Whore? While at the same time, some of her other sisters – especially the Virgin and the Mother – have been adored and worshipped, and small girls are still mostly encouraged to be and behave like some version of The Good Girl?

Why is there such an emphasis and glorification of some of these feminine flavours, while seemingly everything that can be done is being done to disparage and suppress others? Are some flavours inherently good and virtuous and do they therefore have some heightened right of existence? Are other flavours inherently bad and evil and are they therefore by definition unworthy or unfit to be expressed? Or is there something else going on here?

Let’s take a look at the whole spectrum of feminine flavours to see if we can detect some patterns… But first:

What are feminine flavours?

From a Tantric perspective, we can look at the forces of the world from two perspectives: the feminine and the masculine.

The Masculine has only one flavour: Consciousness. Consciousness is measured in depth and presence. How much are you able to stand your ground in the middle of a hurricane of life and stay present with what is? The masculine is all about emptiness and the realization that it is all an illusion – still showing up with everything you’ve got to play the game Here and Now, fully aware that every breath could be your last.

The feminine is everything else. The Feminine is Life and it comes in thousands of flavours. The feminine is unpredictable and changeable. The feminine comes in several archetypes or flavours, including:

The Virgin, the Schoolgirl, the Bimbo, the Mother, the Wild Woman, the Witch, the Temptress, the Porn Star, the Whore, the Dominatrix, Kali and the Divine Slut.

I invite you to take a closer look at this list:

1) If you try to give a colour, to the flavours, or imagine what kinds of clothes these types would wear, where would you start and where would you end? That’s right, starting with white, going through pink, red, purple and into black.

2) What about how accepted these flavours are in general in society at large? Hmmm, the flavours at the beginning sure are more accepted than the ones at the end…

3) Now, what do you think about the amount of sexual energy that each type is (overtly) using or displaying? Well, gee. What a coincidence. It would seem that the more a woman has access to and shows her sexual energy (or in other words, the more she acts and behaves like a Slut), the more she is likely to be judged.

What is it about sexual energy that is so threatening?

Is sexual energy somehow ‘bad’ or ‘improper’ in itself? Of course not. We are all born out of sexual energy. We are all sexual beings. Sexual energy is nothing more and nothing less than Life Force itself. It would therefore seem that the judgement, shame and taboo that is associated with sex has a lot to do with suppressing Life Force… but that’s a topic for a whole other blog.

What do you want to do with your sexual energy?

For now, the question is, what do YOU want to do with your Life force and Sexual energy? Are you living to the full in every area of your life or are you holding back? Are you able to express every aspect of your feminine power, or are you hiding some parts of yourself in shame? Are you proud to show your true self in every way available to you, or are you censoring yourself, depriving the world of your feminine gifts?

We all have our favourites among the feminine flavours. Some of them are easier for us to embody than others. The challenge – and the fun part – is to play with all of them, thereby discovering new sides of ourselves in the process. A pleasant side effect is that playing with different feminine flavours it is a great way to spice up things in the bedroom. Role-play is fun! Dress up and ask your partner to play along.

Which flavour are you today?

Are you the shy virgin in white who is being touched by a man for the very first time? Are you a playful schoolgirl or a bouncy bimbo? Are you a voluptuous femme fatale, determined to get your man? Are you the slut and whore – who just want to be fucked, spreading her legs for anyone who pays? Are you a dark Dominatrix or Kali, the destroyer of worlds, ready to chop your man’s head (or other parts) off, if he flinches – even for a second?

If your man stays present and stands his ground, and if you surrender to the moment, the flavours just might take you over and begin to express themselves through you. You might find yourself wriggling in ecstasy, crying with fear, become a wild fury clawing in anger. The more you allow, the more you dare to show everything, the more open you will become – to your sexuality, to yourself, to Love, to Spirit. And you can become Her, the Great Divine Slut – powerful, fearless, unstoppable Life Force – right here, right now!

So to any man who has the balls to call me a Slut and play with the Divine Slut in every flavour she takes, I say: Yes, please!

XXX, Charlene

P.S. If you found this blog interesting and want to read more about Feminine Flavours, you will like these stories and novels: Feminine Flavours, Free To Play, Free To Love.

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